Weekly Newsletters

Friday, August 19, 2011



 What an exciting fun week the Snuggle Bugs have had!  We took our baby pool outside to splash around in the water with our Caterpillar friends from the 2’s class and even made footprints with them to celebrate our feet week!

This week the Snuggle Bugs were also able to join the Toddler Monkeys for music with Ms. Shari!  It was so exciting to watch their faces while Ms. Shari sang, clapped, and made animal sounds.  Sophia even took a “ride” to Ms. Shari’s house, bouncing on her knee!  We will be having music with Ms. Shari every Thursday morning.

We counted our toes in English and Spanish.  We sang This Little Piggy and looked at pictures of different kinds of feet.  They especially enjoyed having their feet tickled!

Sara and Sophia are both pulling up on everything and trying to let go!  They have changed so much since they came at the first of the year!

This past Sunday at Kabbalat Panim, we even had a visit from some brand new Snuggle Bugs, Elizabeth and Riley, both only a few weeks old!  They will be joining us in 4-6 weeks.

Enjoy your precious tiny toed Snuggle Bugs this weekend!

Shabbat shalom,

Pamela & Annmarie



This week was a wonderful first week for our class.  Every single child did so well.

We read The Kissing Hand which is a story about a raccoon that is afraid to go to school but once he goes he has lots of fun.  The kids made a special kissing hand for you.

We started working on an All About Me book.  Please send some pictures of the children, siblings and parents.

Remember to use the words we’re learning: shalom (hello and bye), hola (hello),  me in sign language (point fingers to chest).

Congratulations to Josh on his first week of school.  He is the youngest boy in class and did just awesome!

We look forward to another exciting week with our Monkeys class next week.

Shabbat shalom.




Shabbat shalom,

Our first day of school was quite exciting.  The children have been busy getting to know each other as we have a few new friends.

The art table has been busy.  On Monday we put our hand in paint for a handprint.  Tuesday we traced our bodies and our feet to start a foot book.  We colored a picture and talked about what we did over the summer and what we feel, happy or sad.

Outside we played with ice cubes, talked about how cold they are, and watched them melt!  We sang songs, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Ring-Around-The-Rosey, and Shake your Silly’s Out”.

Ms. Shari, our music specialist, came on Thursday.  As always, she was amazing and the kids had a blast – they just love her classes.

We baked granola bars; we ate some and froze the rest for a future snack.

Thank you to those of you who have brought in your supplies.  If you have not yet done so, we would appreciate it if you could bring them in as soon as possible.

If you send in carrots for your child, please make sure that they are cooked as we cannot give them raw to children of this age.  Please have 2 complete changes of clothes in your child’s cubby.

We’d like to thank Annmarie who is helping in our classroom until she goes back to the infant room in a couple of weeks.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful children.


Nicki & Hadassah



Shabbat Shalom Chaverim!

The three’s bees have certainly had an amazing first week back to school, and we could not be more thrilled!  All of our friends acclimated to their new classroom unbelievably quickly, and we have been having the most fantastic time!  All of the children genuinely care about one another, and it is so heartwarming to see them help and reach out to each other.

Our theme this week was “All About Me”, and we talked about how special we all are in our own unique way.  On Monday during creative art, the children mixed salt, flour, and water to create salt dough.  All of the children then used rolling pins to flatten their dough in order to make an imprint of their hand.  On Tuesday, they painted their handprints with the colors of their choosing.  On Wednesday, the children made their very own wacky puppets, and they really seemed to look like them!  They were so adorable!

On Thursday, the children made Me Puzzles, using pictures of themselves.  We glued the pictures onto thick cardstock paper, and then we cut them in different shapes making them into puzzles.  The children then had to put their faces back together again.  On Friday, the children made their All About Me Collage.  They picked out different pictures they liked and glued them to their collage that represented who they are and what they like.  They had so much fun choosing from all of the pictures.

During circle time this week, we sang songs about the days of the week, the date, the month, the year, the weather, and the season.  We also chose our jobs of the day by picking popsicle sticks with the children’s names written on them.  This week we read the books, When I Grow Up I Want to be Me, What I Do Best, The Way I Feel, Leo the Late Bloomer, and Today I Feel Silly.  Our word of the week was “help”, which in Hebrew is “ezrah”, and in sign language you place your dominant hand flat with the palm up and your other hand rests on it in a fist with the thumb out, and then you raise it.

During science this week we explored our fingerprints through a microscope and magnifying glasses by stamping our fingerprints onto a small piece of paper.  The children had so much fun examining their unique fingerprints.  We then identified our eye colors by looking at them in the mirror.  We then counted how many friends had blue eyes and how many friends had brown eyes.  We also listened to our heart beats.  During math, we played the egg carton counting game- counting the numbers on the egg carton, and we played with math puzzles.

The children had so much fun during water play this week.  From going down the water slide to making a lake on the playground with the house, our friends had the best time getting soaked!  We spent a lot of time splashing around in the water and making different flavor mud pies!  The children had fun playing together and working as a team to empty out the water table using their buckets.

We had such a blast this week, and we already know that we are in for a spectacular, fun-filled year!  Thank you for giving us the pleasure to get to know your wonderful children and be a part of their lives.  We truly have the best job, and we are so lucky to get to work with your children this year!

Shabbat Shalom, and have a great weekend!

Julie, Melissa, and Rachel



 Dear families, Shabbat Shalom

What an amazing week we had in our busy Pre-K class.  The children all feel very comfortable in the class and play nicely with each other.

Our theme of the week was “Welcome to Our Class”.

Our letter of the week was “W” for welcome, whale, watermelon, and more. We traced the letter W, both upper case and lower case.  We used small cars to follow the directions to trace the letter.  We also looked for the hidden letter in the hallway and decorated the letter W using collage materials.

The easel is open every day. The children like to experience different media.

Every child in Pre-K gets a job for the week on Monday.  The children take this responsibility very seriously.

On Monday your child will get a plastic container that needs to come back to the class by Wednesday with 5 items that begin with the letter of the week which is “M”. A picture or items that fit in the container will be great.

Spanish Vocabulary: parts of our body.

Cabeza   head.        Ojos  eyes

Cintura   waist        nariz  nose

Rodillas  knees        orejas ears

Pies    feet             boca  mouse

Manos  hands

Buenos diasBuenas tardesbuenas noches

Good morning – good evening- good night

We will continue using all the words in class so my friends will not forget. Practice makes perfect!!!! Next week we will be learning names of fruit.

For science we took frozen bottles from the freezer, took out the chunks of ice and put it into our sensory table.  There they took blocks to smash the ice to see the glitter surprise inside.

Please have a family picture ready to bring to our class for the week of August 29. Our theme that week will be “Family and pets”.

Please continue sending a bathing suit, towel and water shoes for your child, all labeled as well as a full change of clothes.  We will continue with water play until it cools down.

Items needed:

Monday, August 22                 Send in museum items

Wednesday, August 24            Bring items that start with the letter “M”

Monday, August 29                 Bring in a family picture

If you need to contact me, please let Ros know and I will try to call you the same evening. If you have an urgent matter, please contact Sari.

Thank you for sharing your treasures with me.

Shabbat Shalom, have a great weekend.
